XFS 2D Barcode 1.0

XFS 2D Barcode 1.0

2D symbols, WYSIWYG and Database support barcode editor and printer
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XFS 2D Barcode is a powerful Barcode editor and Printer, which can generate PDF417 and Code 16K barcode, can support any paper of sales on the market, can import data from every database provider, completely WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get), absolutely easy to use.
XFS 2D Barcode works as a stand-alone program, and you can export Barcode images to other graphics formats such as GIF, JPG, BMP etc. Using copy/paste function, you can paste the Barcode image to your favorite graphics application for further edit.
* XFS 2D Barcode Sheet is a very strong power tool. You can specify any attributes of barcode you needed. Including Brand , Product Name , Symbology , Barcode value, Count that you want to generate barcode and Continuous. The most useful function is that you can specify your barcode if continuous, by this way, you can get a sequence of barcodes conveniently.
* Zoom In/Zoom out functions: you can view the Barcode in details and export it to other applications.
* Rotate left/right functions: you can change the rotate for view and printer.
* WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get.
* Inches or centimeters unite measurement: you can measurement the Barcode?s width or height by inch or centimeter.
* The entire Barcode Label can be exported to images formats such as BMP, GIF, JPG, and PNG. The Barcode can also be copied to the Windows clipboard to allow other applications to use.
* Paper Template Support: Supports more than 200 label paper templates, and, you can add new barcode Label or delete barcode label if you wish.
* Import data from database: you can import data from any provider database, such as SQL Server, Access(mdb), Foxpro, Excell and so on.


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